Allena, one of my blogging friends (and friend from high school), tagged me for a game of 8 Questions. Thought it might be fun to participate even though I'm not very good at answering questions and even worse at coming up with my own to ask, but here goes...
The rules are simple: Answer the 8 questions, come up with 8 new questions, tag 8 people. Easy. And here are her eight questions:
1. If you could go on a trip right now, where would you go? This is hard because I would want Ella to go with me because I can't bear the thought of being without her for more than a couple hours, but wouldn't want her to have to endure an extra long plane ride to any of the places I would really want to go, like Greece or Spain. So, I guess I'd say I'd go on a trip to Colorado to get a little bit of cooler weather and to see my sister because I know she's getting tired of being away from home.
2. What is your favorite baby name? (and you can't name your own children) Adalyn and Ryker
3. What is your favorite website? I absolutely love
4. What is one thing you're embarrassed that you bought? I can't think of anything particular; but I"m embarrassed at how many similar items I buy for Ella. i.e...She really only needs one chair to sit in to eat, but she has 3 different ones-only 2 I bought her though; the other was given to us if that makes it any better :0
5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? hopefully a stay at home mom with 2 little ones enjoying life with my husband and little family
6. Are you a wine or beer drinker? I would normally say a wine drinker, but lately, I've been enjoying beer like Micolob Ultra
7. If you didn't have to work, what would you do? Luckily, I'm blessed to not have to work right now, so I'm getting to stay home and spend all my time with little Ella (it's the best job in the entire world)!
8. What is your favorite blog? I'm a big fan of Chronicles of a Babywise Mom even though I don't really follow BW completely. It's got so many great parenting ideas from a mother of 3. I also love to read about all my friends through their blogs. I wish I was half the creative writer that they all are :)
And now I tag the following...
Courtney W.
- What do you do in your free time?
- If you could give the world one piece of advice, what would it be?
- What is your favorite website or blog?
- What scares you the most and why?
- What is the hardest thing you ever had to do?
- What is the weirdest thing you will ever admit to having done in the past?
- What is your favorite book you read as a child?
- What sound or noise do you love?