Friday, March 4, 2011

Growing...What Can She Do at 12 Months?

12 Month Stats:
  • Weighs 18 lbs 3 ounces (3-10%)
  • 28.5 inches tall (25%)
  • Head measures 44.2 (25-50%)
At 12 Months, Ella:
  • has 8 teeth (4 on top and 4 on bottom)
  • is climbing, climbing, climbing!
  • is crawling all over the place
  • is cruising around on furniture, shelves, and toys
  • can mimic our actions (sticking out tongue, putting hands over eyes, clapping, etc)
  • loves to dance to music (flaps her arms or moves her bootie up & down)
  • says "mama" and "dada" sounds, but we aren't 100% sure she knows what they mean. She also says "bye-bye", "ba" for book and balloon, "ma" for Myles & Macie, and "mo" for more
  • often "screams" in excitement or to get our attention and laughs a lot
  • loves to be tickled and read to
  • can throw things and even play "catch" by throwing a little ball back and forth
  • plays peek-a-boo to us by putting her hands over her eyes, and then revealing herself or she will turn her face away and then turn back real quick to look at you and "surprise" us
  • has light brown-dark blondish hair, and is growing longer very slowly! It's almost a mullet in the back because the front is taking forever to grow!
  • loves to take things off shelves, pull things out of the cabinet, take magazines off of the coffee table, and look inside everything
  • is doing great eating "grown up" food and loves it! She really wants to eat what we are eating, but some of her favorites include plain pasta, avocados, chicken, yogurt, Cheerios, and bananas
  • can stand for extended periods of time on her own. Just last week she started taking a few steps on her own. This week, she can go 10-20 steps before falling- going to be mobile anytime now! Although, she really prefers to walk holding onto one of our fingers.
  • loves playing with Macie & Myles
  • is into everything she is not supposed to be and gets quite the attitude when you tell her NO...she shakes her head at you and then continues to do it :)
  • loves going to the park or doing anything outside.

Here is a run-through of our approximate daily schedule (you may not be interested...this is more for me to be able to remember later!):

6:00 or 6:30am-- wakes up, nurses (this is our only nursing session of the day-it's been super hard to let go of and weaning has been harder than I expected)

7:30am--feeds herself eggs, toast, and fruit in the highchair while we eat breakfast; then we head into the play room to play (or practice walking around the house until my back can't take it anymore)

8:30am--nap for about an hour and a half to two hours

10:30am--bottle of whole milk, then about an hour later has lunch (her favs at the moment are avocado, chicken, pasta, and bananas, but we try lots of different things-unfortunately most of it she's not interested in)

1:00 or 1:30pm--naps for 45 minutes to an hour and a half

3:00--sippy cup of milk, small snack of cheerios, fruit, oatmeal or yogurt

5:15--dinner, usually whatever we can get her to eat (sometimes what we're eating)

6:30pm--bottle, story, snuggles, songs, teethbrushing and bed

In between eating and sleeping, we keep busy by playing in the playroom, hosting or going to playgroups, attending My Gym & Gymboree, running errands, going for walks, meeting up with friends, going to the park, and chasing her around the house.

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