We are having napping issues...any advice any of you experienced moms out there can share with me would be awesome! Here's what's going on with Ella...
Bed Time:
We usually put her to bed between 7-8pm (after nursing her). She typically goes down fairly easily and doesn't require much help falling asleep other than swaddling her and reading her our bedtime story as we rock her. We typically put her down drowsy but still awake and she falls asleep within a few minutes without crying (or very little).
We feed her a bottle of breastmilk about 10:00 or 10:30pm. She drinks but pretty much stays asleep during this. We change her diaper, swaddle, and put her down. She goes straight to sleep (doesn't even act like we woke her to eat).
Night Feeding:
She usually sleeps between 4-6 hours (on occasion she has slept 7 or 8, but that's rare) and wakes between 2:00 and 5:00am to eat. She's still only 10 pounds, so I think she still needs this feeding and usually eats pretty good. We change her diaper, swaddle her, and put her back down after nursing. She lays there awake for 10-45 minutes, but falls asleep on her own. She usually will only sleep 2-3 hours after this though.
Morning WakeTime:
She usually wakes between 6:00 and 7:30 in the mornings, but it's dependent on the time she nursed in the middle of the night. I nurse her and play with her after she wakes (she is usually pretty happy at this time). I then pump and we go downstairs so I can have breakfast. I usually put her in the bouncer or rocker. Sometimes she falls asleep there. If not, I try to put her in bed as soon as I'm done eating, but this usually involves some crying and not much of a nap. I think she may be staying up too long here but I'm not sure...she will typically only take a 30-45 minute nap at this time.
Morning/Afternoon Routine:
I'm trying to feed her about every 3 hours. Sometimes she acts hungry (if she wakes early) and I feed at 2.5 hours and sometimes she is still asleep and I'll let her go 3.5, but never longer for the most part. ***side note: I try to get her to take naps during the designated nap times below, but that doesn't always happen... Also, we try to do the sleep, eat, activity (wake time) cycle.
So, here's an example of a typical day if she wakes at 7:00am...
7:00am nurse
8:30/9:00am put down for nap (usually naps for 30-45 minutes only)
10:00am nurse
11:00-11:30ish put down for nap
1:00pm nurse
2:00-2:30ish put down for nap
4:00pm nurse
5:00-6:00ish put down for nap
7:00pm nurse
get ready for bed
7:30/8:00pm bed
10:00/10:30pm Dreamfeed/back to sleep
2:00-5:00am Night Feeding/back to sleep
6:00-7:30am morning nursing
The main problem is that she is taking super short naps for the most part. We are trying to let her self-soothe some, so it takes a while to fall asleep. She is usually content in bed when I first put her there and talks to her bears or looks around for up to 30 minutes sometimes. Then she may get fussy, which sometimes turns into intense crying. I try to give her 5-10 minutes before going up to give her a pacifier, which usually calms her. Most of the time, she will drift to sleep at this point, but sometimes, the crying continues. I'm trying to get ok with letting her continue to cry it out on her own, but haven't been too good at it lately. Working on it and getting a little better. When she does drift off on her own, she often wakes after 30 minutes to an hour. She usually has peed and I think that wakes her during her sleep transition. It could be something else that wakes her that I'm not aware of.
So, what should I do at this point???
1. just let her cry for as long as it takes to fall back asleep (if that's possible) or
2. go change her diaper and put her back down to cry herself back to sleep or
3. go change her diaper and rock her back to sleep or
4. change her and keep her up and feed her again if it's close to that time or
5. go try to soothe her (pacifier and/or rock her) to see if she'll go back to sleep or
6. get her up and have some more waketime/playtime together before the next feeding or
7. do something else that I'm not thinking of...
There are times that she will take a good 1-2 hour nap. She usually gets one good nap in a day, but I'd really like her to be getting 2 or 3 good naps and then maybe a shorter one here and there.
We've noticed that when she does get 3-5 hours of good naps in, she sleeps even better at night and is so much happier all around.
I guess I'm just looking for any advice and/or to hear the way any of you did things with regards to sleep. She's 11 weeks old today, so she's still young for intense sleep training, yet we want to start establishing some routine in our days so that she takes good naps again! I know that sleep begets sleep, so I want to help her with that as much as I can!
Moms out there, help!!!